Roof Repairs

Old B-Style Gas Vent on Roof- Needs Repair

We All Need a Little Love!

And yes, your roof needs love too!! Believe it or not, many times, a roof's life can be extended with a yearly proper inspection and some TLC. Trust me, we know having to keep up with all aspects of homeownership can be a big challenge, so we are here to help.

Old B-Style Gas Vent Removed

No Matter the Repair, We Have You Covered!

The picture above shows a very worn-out B-style gas vent. When we got called out, it was too late to save this old guy. If you look closely, you can see someone or another company, just adding sealant, year, after year, instead of shooting straight with the homeowner. This poor guy should have been retired years ago....I think he maybe older than me???

We Know Our Limitations

What does that mean? Well, we are licensed building contractors, and we can do many great things but we stay in our lane. In the picture to the left, you can see where we pulled the old guy out but the flue or main gas vent, is still in place. We changed the base boot, stack, storm collar, and a new cap. Only licensed HVAC companies or a licensed plumbing company, with a gas piping license, should be the only ones, to ever work on gas fired appliances, PERIOD! (rant over)

Frequently Ask Questions?

My Ego says, "yes, I can fix anything!" But the reality is this, we don't know until we come out and take a look. You can trust Kali Enterprises, LLC, to give you real and honest solutions. Maybe it can be repaired but maybe it's just throwing good money at a bad problem, so let us help you.

Here comes some of that honesty we just talked about. Every time anyone walks on or tries to repair an older asphalt roof, you can cause more damage. So the area may be repaired but the walking, banging, and pulling on the roof system, can cause other areas to fail. Let's face it, we will do whatever we need to help you but sometimes, a roof replacement is inevitable. Sorry, we know, it sucks.

Honestly, more than likely, no they will not. Shingles are manufactured in what is referred to as "lots". They make hundreds of thousands of them in a "lot", so they all have the exact same amount of raw materials. Fast forward 10,15, or more years and your dye lot run is long gone. Maybe be the exact same brand and color of shingles but there will be color variation and so forth. The good news is, you repaired your roof and saved a good amount of money, bad news is, your roof may look like those old quilts grandma used to make. This trade off is purely a personal decision, or an equation like this: Money saved divided by the quilt patch factor, and then multiplied by how many times your significant other, reminds you that you are cheap and that they told you from the beginning, it won't match. "Only you, can prevent the I told you so". Be smart and honest about what you need short term and long term, it makes a difference. May The Force Be with You!!

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