General Contractor Services

General Contractor Services

General Contractor Services-What does that Even Mean???

Ok, fine, let's look at the definition bestowed upon us by The North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors: Kali Enterprises, LLC is a licensed General Contractor, and our license number is 87817 (feel free to verify us at According to this governing body, we can build anything in the entire state, except roads and bridges. So, if you need new construction multi-family, residential, commercial and anything in between, we can build it. Now, I can hear you now, "just because you have a license, doesn't mean you know what you are doing." Believe me, we get it, and boy do we see it every day with other companies. Head on over to the "About Us" page and learn a little more about us and why we are even here.

Workers install a new LVT floor in a commercial spa suite.

About The Project You See on This Page

This was a commercial upfit in Creedmoor, NC for All Things Skin Spa.(Check her out on FB, Instagram or her website This project needed new floors, painting, cabinets, sink, and oh yeah, we had to get the water and waste over to the new cabinets, which was over 35' from her spa. You can see more pictures in the project's gallery.

Frequently Ask Questions?

Yes, we are.

North Carolina Building Contractor #87817

We have twice the minimum amount required for, general liability insurance and worker's comp.

Again, we are all about transparency, so yes, we only use sub-contractors for our crews and here is why. In this economic environment, having our own "in-house crews" really translates to "a large amount of overhead, that is passed on to all clients". Also, our days mostly consist of meeting with clients, designing, getting permits, ordering materials, and many more things. All of the crews we use are insured, so you have double protection, they are handpicked by us, and after very thorough vetting process, we have them on close supervision, until we are satisfied with their performance. in closing, using sub-contractors doesn't mean "sub quality work", it actually means, we have been paying attention all of these years and it is the best use of time, energy and resources. Of all the crews we use, over 91% have been with us, in some capacity or another, for over 8 years.

Yes, we do!

Kali Enterprises, LLC is proud to be a Preferred Contractor with Medallion Bank. Head over to the financing tab for more details. 

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